Europe as a destination for meetings and conferences

A Study by the Strategic Alliance of the National Convention Bureaux of Europe


The Strategic Alliance of the National Convention Bureaux of Europe released the results of its research into challenges and opportunities for European meetings business. The study aims at providing a basis for developing hands-on recommendations for action.

  • Studie zu Europa als Tagungs- und Kongressdestination (Englisch)

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In an age of complexity creativity and flexibility are key

With the aim of analysing Europe’s medium-term to long-term market potential as a meetings and conference destination, the research identified different economic and socio-political factors, tech trends as well as general industry trends that affect the European meetings community. Detailed results including recommendations for action can be found in this White Paper.

Apart from the overall global economy, state of the EU or general security concerns, Brexit is one of the factors adding uncertainty that was addressed during the research in interviews with international meetings buyers and sellers from different industries as the UK is a key source market for many major venues in Europe.

Technological and industry trends providing opportunities for growth

Among the technological development influencing the industry, the increase in budgets for virtual and hybrid events that was established in the research means that sellers investing in state-of-the art tech equipment will be best equipped to benefit from the growing spending power in this area. Alongside the increase in internet speed, the roll out of 5G networks and IoT applications, in particular AI emerged as a key tech trend with many planners interviewed already using AI matchmaking tools and/or chatbots. Apart from the need to make events more experiential and personalised to counter the effects of a crowded market, sustainability and an increased focus on ROI are two major industry trends established in the study.

Partners of the study

Alongside the GCB German Convention Bureau as lead research partner, the Austrian Convention Bureau, Convention Bureau Italia, Croatian National Tourist Board, MeetDenmark, Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions, Poland Convention Bureau, Swedish Network of Convention Bureaus and Visit Norway collaborated on the project.

Industry Partners

In diesem Bereich

Response Room | BOCOM - Experience Borderless Communication | Plattformökonomie | Destination Europa | Zukunftsstudie

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