From category „Meetings - Hands On“
A Scientific Foundation for the "New Now”
"BOCOM - Experience Borderless Communication" is the first hybrid multi-site congress to be scientifically evaluated.
Beautiful Places, Perfect Spaces. Wo und wie sich Eventplaner und Hotels heute finden
Chatbots für kundennahe Kommunikation rund um Events
ebx.lab 2024
GCB blog article featuring a retrospective on the premiere of "ebx.lab" in the autumn of 2024 in Frankfurt.
GCB and Partners at Smart Meetings University
GCB Blogpost on Smart Meetings University 2023 in New York City
Intelligente Event-Plattform für Teilnehmergewinnung und -management
Meetings - Hands On
Articles from the category "Meetings - Hands On" in "Germany Meetings Magazin", the GCB's blog.
New: Our Grandstands for Your Event
GCB Blogpost with best practice example from the congress center Hamburg
Quick Guide "Net Zero Carbon Events"
Quick guide by the "Net Zero Carbon Events" initiative to getting started on climate neutral events.
Recap Sustainability Webinar US Partners
A blogpost from the GCB reviewing a webinar on sustainability at meetings made in Germany, tailored to North American event professionals.
Review ebx.lab
GCB blog article featuring a retrospective on the premiere of "ebx.lab" in the autumn of 2023, with a focus on Artificial Intelligence.
Streaming Studios of Germany
GCB blog article on streaming studios for hybrid events in several German cities, including information on size and technical equipment.
Teilnehmer-Experience als Schlüssel zum Erfolg
Virtual Fireside Chat No.2: Three Months Into The Crisis
Listen to and watch thought leaders from the German and US meetings industry as they discuss month 3 of the global COVID-19 pandemic
Virtual Fireside Chat: COVID-19 and the Meetings Industry
Industry thought leaders on how they have learned and shifted their tactics during COVID-19 in the meetings, hospitality and tourism space.
Virtual Reality is Transforming the Event Planning Industry
A video interview with Sandy Hammer, Co-Founder and CMO of AllSeated, recorded at the GCB's #DigiDay 2019 event in Frankfurt.
Virtuelle Veranstaltungsortsuche: Ein Blick in die Zukunft
VR revolutioniert Site-Inspections und steigert Effizienz im Planungsprozess
Whitepaper "Digitale Tools" für die gesamte Customer Journey von Veranstaltungen