EVVC European Association of Event Centres e.V.
The EVVC represents about 750 event centres, congress-centres, arenas and special event locations of all sizes in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and other neighbouring European countries. Event planners, service providers and supplier companies complement the spectrum and thus make the EVVC the most versatile network of the industry.
As industry specific association, the most important task for the EVVC is to recognize and analyse trends as well as market developments and political developments. By means of the EVVC Berlin capital office the EVVC has been engaged in active lobbying in Berlin and Brussels.
By carrying out a joint annual survey together with the GCB and the GNTB (German National Tourist Board) about important economic figures in the event industry, the EVVC provides important basis for argumentation. Firstly, for any industry activities in the political arena in Berlin but also for the member’s local work in their respective municipalities. For a long time, the “Meeting- & Event Barometer” has been the most defining and most significant study, which has continuously described the developments in the event industry for many years.
Furthermore, the EVVC is a strategic partner of the GCB for the organization and realisation of the greenmeetings and events conference (gme) as well as concerning the joint commitment to the industry sustainability codex rightandfair.
Together with AUMA, VPLT and FAMAB the EVVC is advocating an improvement of training and education within the industry. This is realised through 100PRO – the education codex of the even industry.