- Knowledge and Innovation
- Future Meeting Space
- 2025: Demographic Change Meets AI and Automation
- 2024: Business Events in a Transformative Era
- 2023: Creating Meaningful Events in Challenging Times
- 2022: Redefining Event Attendance
- 2021: Challenges of the Post-Corona Era
- 2019/20: The Future Role and Purpose of Events
- Research Phase 2017/18
- Research Phase 2015/16
With its research focus 2021, the Innovation Network addressed the challenges of the post-Corona era.
Research Results
Full study: "Changing ecosystems"
Future scenarios for business events in the age of borderless communication
Future Meeting Space 2021: Changing ecosystems
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Infograph: Future Scenarios for Business Events
Which factors shape future events?
Constant change and progress shape our society. As a mirror of society business events adapt flexibly to these circumstances. The Covid-19 pandemic in particular has brought additional momentum to transformation processes that had already begun. Therefore, the latest whitepaper published by the Future Meeting Space innovation network revolves around one central thesis: the ecosystem of events will change to a great extent and for the long term. Based on ten fields of action, the research identifies challenges and opportunities arising from a variety of influencing factors to work out usage scenarios for physical, hybrid and virtual meeting spaces.
New whitepaper by Future Meeting Space
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The central thesis of 2021: The ecosystem of events will change massively and sustainably. We wanted to go in search of influencing factors and cause-effect relationships and examine the emerging possibilities and opportunities of this change.
The goal was to develop usage scenarios for real, hybrid and virtual meeting spaces, taking into account alternative and changing uses of existing and new spaces, areas and locations