Meetings - Hands On
From AR/VR to chatbots to platforms -, tips on how to design a successful hybrid event, or exciting reports on the experiences of other event professionals: "Meetings Hands-On" is all about hands-on stories for you - inspiration guaranteed!
01.11.2024 | Meetings - Hands On
Recap Sustainability Webinar US Partners
10.10.2024 | Meetings - Hands On
ebx.lab 2024
26.10.2023 | Meetings - Hands On
Review ebx.lab
28.03.2023 | Meetings - Hands On
GCB and Partners at Smart Meetings University
23.01.2023 | Meetings - Hands On
New: Our Grandstands for Your Event
08.03.2022 | Meetings - Hands On
Quick Guide "Net Zero Carbon Events"
21.07.2021 | Meetings - Hands On
Streaming Studios of Germany
13.08.2020 | Meetings - Hands On
A Scientific Foundation for the "New Now”
12.08.2020 | Meetings - Hands On
05.08.2020 | Meetings - Hands On
29.07.2020 | Meetings - Hands On
Chatbots für kundennahe Kommunikation rund um Events
15.07.2020 | Meetings - Hands On
VR revolutioniert Site-Inspections und steigert Effizienz im Planungsprozess
15.07.2020 | Meetings - Hands On
Intelligente Event-Plattform für Teilnehmergewinnung und -management
06.07.2020 | Meetings - Hands On
Whitepaper "Digitale Tools" für die gesamte Customer Journey von Veranstaltungen
10.06.2020 | Meetings - Hands On
Virtual Fireside Chat No.2: Three Months Into The Crisis
08.06.2020 | Meetings - Hands On
Beautiful Places, Perfect Spaces. Wo und wie sich Eventplaner und Hotels heute finden
13.05.2020 | Meetings - Hands On
Virtuelle Veranstaltungsortsuche: Ein Blick in die Zukunft
23.04.2020 | Meetings - Hands On
Virtual Fireside Chat: COVID-19 and the Meetings Industry
26.02.2020 | Meetings - Hands On
Virtual Reality is Transforming the Event Planning Industry
17.10.2019 | Meetings - Hands On
Teilnehmer-Experience als Schlüssel zum Erfolg