From category „Research“
2019/20: The Future Role and Purpose of Events
In its third research phase, Future Meeting Space addressed the future role of events in organizations' communications mix.
2021: Challenges of the Post-Corona Era
With its research focus 2021, the Future Meeting Space looked at the challenges of the post-Corona era for the ecosystem of events
2022: Redefining Event Attendance
With its research focus 2021, Future Meeting Space will explore the question of why people attend face-to-face events in the future.
2023: Creating Meaningful Events in Challenging Times
With its research focus 2023, Future Meeting Space will explore the question of how business events are aligned due to multiple crises.
2024: Business Events in a Transformative Era
In 2024, Future Meeting Space will explore remaining, disappearing and emerging standards and processes in the business event ecosystem.
2025: Demographic Change Meets AI and Automation
In 2025, the Future Meeting Space innovation network is analysing two megatrends: demographic change & advancing automation.
About us
The GCB German Convention Bureau represents Germany as a destination for national and international meetings and conventions.
BOCOM - Experience Borderless Communication
The hybrid multi-site congress BOCOM took place on September 3, 2020, and was scientifically evaluated.
Destination Europe
Results of "Europe as a destination for meetings and conferences" by the Strategic Alliance of the National Convention Bureaux of Europe
Future Meeting Space
The innovation network Future Meeting Space, founded by the GCB and Fraunhofer IAO, has been researching the future of events since 2015.
Future Meeting Space: Research Results 2024
Press release on the 2024 research results presentation of the innovation network "Future Meeting Space", initiated by the GCB and the Fraunhofer IAO.
GCB Recovery Compass
Up-to-date information, market research and related weblinks on business events and business travel during and after the pandemic.
Impact of Coronavirus on Europe’s Convention Sector
Study on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the European convention sector, prepared by Tourism Economics.
Market Intelligence
Up-to-date information and graphics on event market trends and recovery scenarios.
Meeting- & EventBarometer
The Meeting- & EventBarometer is an annual survey of the German event market.
Meetings and Conventions 2030
Results of the GCB's study "Meetings and Conventions 2030. A study of megatrends shaping our industry."
Platform Economy
Results of the GCB's study on the effects of platform economy on the meetings industry
Research Archive
Further studies by the GCB, for example on platform economy, megatrends in the events industry, and Europe as a meetings destination.
Research Phase 2015/16
In the first research phase of the innovation network, six different scenarios of future event forms were derived.
Research Phase 2017/18
Information and results on Future Meeting Space's research phase II in 2017/18
Statements Research Partners 2022
Video statements by and interviews with the Future Meeting Space research partners 2022.
Basics and current information on the topics of sustainable business events and sustainability at the GCB.
Thought Leader Panel
Knowledge Is Power! - Impulses for business events and live communication - that is the motto of the Thought Leader Panel