New normal opens up new worlds at Messe München’s venues

Whether on-site, hybrid or virtually: Messe München's venues are fully equipped to host your future events.
Even though Germany has been presented with a new wave of restrictions in November, Messe München has made use of the reopening of Munich's event industry in the preceding two months to hint at their comprehensive capabilities. Some of their bigger events included the Search Marketing Expo (SMX) and the AllFacebook Marketing Conference (AFBMC) at the ICM International Congress Center Munich, the FABRIC DAYS trade show which took place at the MOC Munich Event Center and the TrendSet fair that hosted up to 600 exhibitors and 12,000 visitors at the Munich Trade Fair Center. Each one of these events used a different format and has thereby demonstrated Messe München's capabilities to host successful and innovative trade fairs and events once the restrictions will be lifted again.
Safe Events at Messe München
Messe München has taken several steps to accommodate safe events in their venues. Naturally, they have expanded their hygiene and safety concepts and are supporting planners with any questions that may come up. However, they did not stop there. By adding two state of the art broadcasting studios to their ICM, they have also set the foundation to address the event industry's changing demands. Since their introduction in June, they have already been used successfully on several occasions, such as the entirely digital IFAT Impact Business Summit or the hybrid product launch of the new IAA mobility.
SMX Munich is another event that utilized the ICM's new opportunities and has thereby enabled the event's very first hybrid version. Sandra Finlay, the organizer behind SMX, is convinced of Messe München's newest addition: "The event spread out across six large halls at the ICM, so that we could easily and safely implement the applicable hygiene and security guidelines for everyone. The fact that participants could also take part digitally, thanks to the technical capabilities at the ICM, was of course ideal."
New Whitepaper on Virtual Event Formats
If you are considering organizing an event at one of Messe München's four venues, the central sales team will be happy to advise you on all classic, digital and hybrid event formats. Additionally, they have also authored the whitepaper "Stream your business to the whole world", which provides a professional overview of their most important learnings on digital events - including insights into how to expand an event's reach, how to monetize virtual event formats and, most importantly, how to get started. Whether you are looking at organizing classic, digital or hybrid events: The team at Messe München is looking forward to opening up new possibilities in the new normal with you!
If you want to learn more about Messe München's locations, click here.