Green Globe

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Green Globe
1223 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 925
90403 Santa Monica, USA

Green Globe provides certification, training & education, and marketing services in 83 countries worldwide. Based in Los Angeles, California and with partners in Mexico, South America, South Africa, Middle East, the Caribbean and Europe, Green Globe provides certification for the sustainable operations and management of travel and tourism companies and their related supplier businesses. Green Globe also maintains a global network of independent auditors who provide third party inspection and validation.The Green Globe Standard is based on internationally accepted criteria developed during the 15 years of the Green Globe program. Green Globe is active in harmonizing with other established sustainability certification programs around the world. The process of harmonization contributes to maintaining core criteria and at the same time address regional issues through the adoption of locally developed standards.Green Globe operates under a twenty year license with a renewal option from Green Globe Ltd UK the owner of the brand worldwide.Green Globe participates at all the world’s leading travel and tourism expos and conferences, including World Travel Market – London, ITB – Berlin, IMEX- Frankfurt, Caribbean Marketplace among many others. Green Globe Summits are held throughout the year in key destinations to provide insight to the latest development in sustainability certification, provide training and education to auditors and discuss local issues confronting businesses and the communities they work in.

Every day Green Globe Members achieve great outcomes for their company, their employees, the local community and the environment. Their fundamental achievements include:

  • Green Globe Members commit to managing and operating their business and organizations to the highest level of sustainability.

  • The Green Globe International Standard for Sustainable Tourism has been develop over two decades in collaboration with the travel and tourism industry, communities in tourism destinations and other stakeholders. Our Standard is recognized by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council and Green Globe is an Affiliate Member of the UNWTO.

  • Green Globe members are committed to benchmarking and managing the use of energy and water with the aim of reducing the use of these resources as well as promoting reuse and recycling of materials.

  • Green Globe members promote diversity and inclusiveness in their work force, while respecting local cultures and ensuring equitable relations and rewards for all.

  • Green Globe members invests in protecting the culture and heritage of their host destination.

  • Green Globe members always act in accordance with local law and respect and promote global compacts promoting equality, health, welfare and human rights and prohibiting child exploitation.

  • These fundamental achievements are managed through an sustainability plan targeting over 300 activities that are carried out at all levels of the company.

The GCB has been certified since 2012.

Overview: The GCB's Members

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GCB auf Deutsch

Leider ist diese Seite zur Zeit nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar. Informationen über das GCB in deutscher Sprache finden Sie unter der deutschen GCB-Website.