
Practical Information About the Event

On this page you will find the agenda for the ebx.lab on September 19 and 20, 2024, as well as information about the event location and our partner hotel.

The following overview provides an initial orientation to the ebx.lab schedule and will be continuously amended in the coming weeks.



Arrival: Welcome Drinks & Networking


Welcome & Get to know each other

Felix Rundel

Matthias Schultze


Reality Check with Our Experts

Reality Check with Our Experts

How prepared is the ecosystem of business events for the upcoming transformations in the areas of sustainability, digitalization, and generational change?

In three keynotes, we will examine self-perception and expert assessments in these three areas.

Zoe Nogai

Claudia Ricci

  • Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO
  • LinkedIn

Dr. Oliver Knipping


Lab (part 1): Mapping of Potentials

Lab (part 1): Mapping of Potentials

In working groups, we will explore possible actions and opportunities in the three areas. The results will then be presented to the full group.


Drinks, dinner, and networking



Warm-up session and pitches

Warm-up session and pitches

Innovative use cases presented by the ebx.lab community

Felix Rundel


Start and review of day 1 results


Lab (part 2): Co-creation of solutions

Lab (part 2): Co-creation of solutions

Building on the group work from day one, we’ll develop new, ambitious yet practical solutions in the areas of sustainability, digitalization, and generational change in small teams. The most promising ideas will be visualized and presented to the full group.


Presentation of Results & Plenary Discussions

Felix Rundel


Summary & Outlook

Felix Rundel

Matthias Schultze


Lunch & Farewell

Location: Design Offices Wiesenhüttenplatz

Our venue for September 19 and 20, 2024, is located in the heart of Frankfurt, right between the main train station and the riverbank. Along with the perfect location and excellent infrastructure, the Design Offices Wiesenhüttenplatz offer a modern setting for flexible, co-creative, and focused work. And for relaxed networking, we’ll head out to the private terrace – weather permitting.

Hotel: Roomers Hotel Frankfurt

Participants of the ebx.lab had access to a reserved room block at the Roomers Hotel until four weeks before the event (i.e., August 21). Please contact our team (event@gcb.de) if you need assistance with your accommodation for the event.

Hotel address:
Gutleutstraße 85
60329 Frankfurt am Main

Impressions: Roomers Frankfurt

5 Bilder

Travel Info

Participants of the ebx.lab will receive a Deutsche Bahn voucher from us in advance of the event, allowing them to easily and conveniently book their train journey (event ticket, flexible fare, 1st class) themselves.

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